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Ground: TIVAB Vallen (Åryds IP)

Visits: 1

Date: 11th September 2021

Match: Åryd - Älmhult  2-1  (Division 3 Sydöstra Götaland)

Attendance: 100

Last weekend I was ill and attending a game of football was ruled out. Due to a water leak my car was also out of action but I expected it to be ready for this weekend. In time for this weekend I had recovered from my illness but my car was still not dry. I was taken by surprise on Friday afternoon when I was told I was facing another weekend without my car meaning I couldn´t attend any decent games. A friendly colleague from work offered me to borrow one of his cars though. My original plan was to visit Färjestaden v Högsby in Division 3 Sydöstra Götaland but since Färjestaden are from the island of Öland (almost 3 hours by car) and I didn´t want to use the borrowed car for such a long trip I change my plans slightly. Åryds IK were promoted from Division 4 last season and situated outside of Växjö it was “only” 1 h 40 minutes by car. Åryd were hosting top of table Älmhult in Division 3 Sydöstra Götaland this afternoon and 50 minutes prior to kick-off I arrived at the ground. TIVAB Vallen (Åryds IP) is yet another nice and cosy Division 3 ground situated in a small village. These clubs always have a good local support and with Älmhult being less than hour away I estimated 25-30 away fans had made the journey to Åryd as well.

Älmhult had the perfect start to this match, an own-goal by an Åryd defender within the first minute of play meant 0-1 on the score-board. The visitors then had a few other chances but shortly before half-time Åryd equalized and it was 1-1 at half-time. The weather had until now been quite nice but during the break it started to rain. I sheltered underneath the roof in from of the clubhouse but after 15-20 minutes the rain had gone. On the pitch it was Åryd who had most of the possession and the 2nd half was actually quite entertaining as both teams went for the winner. In the 4th minute of stoppage time Åryd were awarded a penalty and the home player made a so called Panenka into the back of the net. 2-1 to Åryd and three important points in their battle for survival.



Club-badge.JPGClub badge


East side


Players and officials entering




South End


View of play


West side


West side


View of play


View of play


North End


0-1 (own-goal by number 5, note the time)


East side


East side


East side


East side


East side


East side


Åryd TV