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Ground: Norðurálsvöllurinn (Akranesvöllur)

Visits: 1

Date: 20th June 2013

Match: Akranes - Breiðablik  0-3 (after extra-time, 0-0 at full-time)  (Borgunarbikar)

Attendance: 832


In July last year I visited Iceland for the first time in my life. I was supposed to go to four matches with the highlight being a visit to Hasteinsvöllur. Hasteinsvöllur is situated on Heimay, the biggest and the only populated of the Westmann Islands (Vestmannaeyjar), and is the home of ÍB Vestmannaeyja. Unfortunately it was very windy meaning the afternoon ferries to the island were cancelled and the match between ÍB Vestmannaeyja and Selfoss was postponed. As I left the island the following day I promised myself to come back one day. Going through my options for 2013 I decided to leave for Iceland the first day of my summer holidays and the plan was to visit six matches. I left for Copenhagen airport around 10am and despite a threat of strike and signal failure I made it to the airport. Shortly after 2pm my Icelandair flight left for Reykjavik and 3 hours later I was at Keflavik airport. In the summer there is a 2-hour time difference between Iceland and central Europe meaning I arrived at 3.15pm local time.

My first match was the round of 16 match in the Icelandic cup between ÍA (Íþróttabandalag Akranes) and Breiðablik. Akranes is 45 minutes by bus from Reykjavik and my plan was to take the 17.35 bus from Ártun. After checking in at my hotel, close to the central bus station, I had to hurry to be at Ártun in time for my bus. With five minutes to spare my local bus arrived in Ártun. It was quite warm (16 °C) and sunny in Reykjavik and on the way to Akranes I had some stunning views. Kick-off was at 19.15 and by 18.40 I was standing outside the ground. Akranesvöllur is situated next to the sea and only have one proper stand (with around 700 seats). The far (north) side is a grass bank and during the match most of the 832 in attendance were sitting/standing/lying in this natural stand. When the weather is as nice as it was this Thursday evening Akranesvöllur is a great place for watching football. A rainy day in October I guess there are better places for football. The match itself was very poor. Hardly any chances and it was not much of a surprise to see the match finishing 0-0. In extra-time Breiðablik managed to break the deadlock, 0-1 in the 103rd minute. The visitors then scored twice again in extra-time to win the match 3-0. I was back in Reykjavik by 11pm (1am for me). Being very tired I fell asleep quickly. 



View of Akranes





east end

East End


south stand

South Stand


south stand1

South Stand



VIP area


close to the sea

Close to the sea


close to the sea2

Close to the sea


west end

West End


north stand

North Stand


north stand2

North Stand



Away supporters





akranesvöllur, vy

View of play


south stand2

South Stand



A nice evening!



View of play



View of play



View of play


young players

Future stars?


pano, akranesvöllur1



pano, akranesvöllur5
