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Ground: Dersbovallen

Visits: 1

Date: 12th May 2023

Match: Derome-Åskloster - Kungsbacka IF  2-0  (Division 4 Halland)

Attendance: 75

My target this weekend was to attend Ahlafors v Torn at Sjövallen IP in Alafors. Ahlafors are newly promoted and Sjövallen is the only ground I haven't visited in Division 1 Södra. To my delight I managed to find a match in Division 2 Norra Götaland, Zenith v Vänersborgs FK, earlier on Saturday meaning I could do a double. Realising it would be a very long day (3 h 20 min driving one way) for me I decided to go to a match on Friday evening as well. In Division 4 Halland Derome-Åskloster were hosting Kungsbacka IF at 19.00 and that was a perfect match (pun intended) for me. Dersbovallen in Derome is around 15 minutes from Varberg where I had booked a room for the night. Driving on a Friday afternoon there was plenty of traffic and at Falkenberg there was a complete stop on the motorway. After no movement for 15 minutes I realised it must be some kind of accident and being only 100 m from the Falkenberg C exit I used the hard shoulder and used that exit. I then used the old road to get to Varberg and in total I arrived around 45 minutes later than planned. I checked in and then had dinner (hotel buffet) before setting off for Derome.

Derome BK and Åskloster IF merged in 2020 and the “new” club use both Dersbovallen in Derome and Klostervallen in Åskloster for their home games. As soon as I stepped out of my car I noticed Dersbovallen was, for this level, a very nice ground to visit. With a clear sky and a temperature of around 20 degrees I had a very pleasant evening in Derome. The home team won 2-0 and the three points actually sends Derome/Åskloster top of the table.




West side


West Stand


North End


East Stand


South End


Players and officials entering




East Stand


East Stand


East Stand


View of play


West Stand


View of play