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Ground: Mustapekka Areena (Oulunkylän liikuntapuisto)

Visits: 1

Date: 2nd July 2023

Match: Gnistan - KäPa  1-0  (Ykkönen)

Attendance: 1 312

There were no Veikkausliiga games on Sunday but a Helsinki derby in Ykkönen (level 2) meant I still had an interesting game to look forward to. At 11.04 my train departed Tampere and two hours later I was at the main railway station in Helsinki. It is a place I know quite well and having booked a room at my regular Helsinki hotel I was on familiar territory. After checking in I had something to eat and drink at a nearby restaurant. I also went to the cathedral and harbour area but as it started to rain I quickly hurried back to the hotel.

IF Gnistan are based in Oulunkylä (Åggelby) which is quite central in Helsinki. The club has over the years mostly played in Kakkonen but 2023 is Gnistan´s eighth season in Ykkönen. They are playing their home games at Mustapekka Areena (formerly Oulunkylän liikuntapuiston kenttä) which also used to be the home of today´s opponents, Käpylän Pallo (KäPa). Nowadays KäPa are playing at Brahen Kenttä though. Gnistan are doing well this season and a win tonight would, with a game in hand, send them to of Ykkönen. I was at Oulunkylä station shortly before 5pm and 15 minutes later I was at the ground. On Wednesday Gnistan hosted Helsingfors IFK and for that game extra temporary stands were erected on the far side. For the derby against KäPa those stands remained in place and with the main stand filling up fans were sent to those temporary stands. When the game started the main stand was absolutely packed and right in front of me a group of young KäPa fans waved their flags. Planning this trip I wasn´t aware of this being a big game and I really enjoyed my visit. The attendance was later given as (the ultras friendly number) 1,312 which is the 2nd highest ever attendance for a Gnistan home game.

On the pitch Gnistan dominated but it was still 0-0 at half-time. As we approached the final minutes of this game it was still goalless and my streak of games with goals was about to come to an end. In the 88th minute Gnistan scored to win 1-0 though and home fans celebrated with the team long after the final whistle. My trip was coming to an end but I hope to be back in Finland in a few weeks.




North End


East side


East Stand


South End


Players entering




View of play


East Stand


KäPa fans


View of Mustapekka Areena


Watching for free


West Stand


West Stand


After the game