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Ground: Kaplakrikavöllur

Visits: 1

Date: 25th June 2013

Match: Hafnarfjörður - Fylkir  2-1  (Úrvalsdelid)

Attendance: 1 329


On Monday morning I woke up on Vestmannaeyjar. I was still in a good mood after the match yesterday. Visiting Hásteinsvöllur was, after the big disappointment last summer, my main target this summer. At 08.30 the ferry left the harbour at Heimaey and 40 minutes later I was back on the Icelandic mainland. During the ferry trip Herman Hreidarsson was being interviewed at the table next to mine. Being manager of ÍB Vestmannaeyja is a long way from the glamour of being a Premiership footballer but he seems to enjoy life on the island. I was then back in central Reykjavík by noon and went to Villa accommodations (near Hallgrimskirkja) where I would stay for my last night in Iceland. The place has only been opened for three weeks or os and I got a very warm welcome by the owner. Next time I go to Iceland I´ll stay here again!


My sixth and final match of this tour was the match in Úrvalsdelid between Fimleikafelag Hafnarfjörður (FH!) and Fylkir. FH are reigning champions in Iceland and inside the main stand the league trophy was on display. Kaplakrikavöllur, the home of FH, has a covered main stand with around 2 000 seats. The far side, not in use for most matches, is an open seated stand. Before this match FH was second in the table behind KR but it was the visitors who took an early lead. FH were clearly the better team, more organised etc, but it was still 0-1 at half-time. In the second half it was FH who attacked for most of the time and they managed to turn things around. The Icelandic champions won by 2-1. After the match I said goodbye to my German colleagues. We went to four matches together and I wished them a safe trip back home.


As I was sitting on the bus back to central Reykjavík I could look back on some really nice days in Iceland. No rain at all and sunshine on most days. Iceland is a fascinating country to visit and I wouldn´t be surprised if I come back once more in a couple of years time.



Welcome to Kaplakrikavöllur!


league trophy

Icelandic league trophy


south stand

South Stand


west end

West End


north stand1

North Stand


east end

East End








view of play

View of play


south stand3

South Stand


efter matchen

After the match


pano, fh1



pano, fh3
