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Ground: Karlslunde Stadion (Hampen Park)

Visits: 1

Date: 21st August 2021

Match: Karlslunde - Næsby  0-2  (3. Division)

Attendance: 150

I always look at possible doubles and when I found out it was possible to combine Karlslunde with Dragør I knew it was time to go to Denmark again. Karlslunde are playing in 3. Division, which is the new (national) level 4-league in Denmark. In fact the top four divisions now have 12 teams each and they are all national. Until last season only the top two divisions were national. Kick-off in Karlslunde was at 13.00 and around 10.15 I set off from Kristianstad. There is supposed to be a border control at the Öresund bridge but on my previous trips to Denmark this year there haven´t been one. Today they checked about every 20th car and I was of course one of the chosen ones. Passport and Covid passport was shown and I could then enter Denmark. Karlslunde is situated in the southwestern outskirts of Copenhagen and shortly before noon I parked my car outside the ground. Upon entering the ground someone from the club, noting I was taking pictures, asked me if I was from the press. When he realized I had come from Sweden he shook my hand and said “Welcome to Karlslunde”! As I understand it 2021 is the first ever season for Karlslunde at this level and so far they had won one game and lost one. Recently it has rained a lot but today the weather was quite nice. There is a small stand providing cover but most fans were standing on the grass bank in the north side of the ground. Plenty of dogs were present and it felt like a really nice day out for a lot of us.

In today´s match Karlslunde were hosting Næsby and in the first half it was the visitors from Odense who were clearly the better team and at half-time they were deservedly 1-0 up. In the second half Næsby scored again to make it 0-2. Even though Karlslunde had a few chances Næsby could hold on to their lead and bring three valuable points back across Store Bælt to Odense. As the final whistle was blown I was standing close to the exit and I could leave Karlslunde without any hassle. Kick-off in Dragør was 15.30 and if nothing extraordinary happened I would be there 5-7 minutes prior to kick-off.




North side


North Stand


Players and offcials entering




East End


View of Karlslunde Stadion


South side


West End


North side


North side


North Stand

