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Ground: Grönevi Idrottsplats

Visits: 1

Date: 4th August 2020

Match: Näsby - Mala  4-1  (Division 5 Skåne Nordöstra)

Attendance: 80

2020 is a challenge for those of us interested in attending football matches. In Sweden the limit for public gatherings is 50 meaning games in the top divisions are played behind closed doors. Last weekend the local leagues, Division 4 to 6, in Skåne finally started to play. As is the case with all the leagues from Division 2 downwards teams will only play each other once this season. In order to avoid breaking the 50 people mark the strong recommendation from the local FAs is to lock the gates and not allow fans to attend. Knowing most teams in the local leagues normally have 50 to 100 at their games I was interested in finding out how strict clubs would be in following the recommendations. It was clear a lot of clubs allowed those showing up to watch the game and going through my mid-week options I decided to make the short trip to Grönevi IP for Näsby v Mala in Division 5 Skåne Nordöstra on Tuesday evening. Grönevi is located in the Gamlegården area of northern Kristianstad. It is only 5 minutes by car for me to Grönevi so if the gates were locked I had a short journey back home. I was at the ground 30 minutes before kick-off and I was pleased to find out the gates were open. It was a lovely evening and I was looking forward to my first new Swedish ground in 2020.

Last year Näsby played in Division 4 and they have lost almost every player from the team they had last year. Being based in Gamlegården it was not a surprise every player in the home team have an immigrant background. During the game I ran into one of my pupils and he was (positively) surprised to see me in this part of Kristianstad on a Tuesday evening. He then took a selfie with me but I guess I should take that as something positive! Anyway, the actual match was very entertaining and at half-time Näsby was deservedly 2-0 up. In the second half Näsby were clearly the better team and in the end they won 4-1. The new Näsby looks like a good football team and going by tonight´s performance they will be fighting for one of the promotion spots.


Welcome to Grönevi!


Näsby IF






Teams and officials entering




North End


View of play


View of play


East side


East side


East side


View of play


South End


West side


West side


West Stand


A tired dog