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Södra Sandby

Ground: Södra Sandby Idrottsplats  (Sandbyvallen)

Visits: 1

Date: 25th May 2019

Match: Södra Sandby - Malmö City  2-0  (Division 3 Södra Götaland)

Attendance: 109

Södra Sandby is a town with a population of around 7,000. It is situated just east of Lund and from where I live it takes around an hour by car to reach Södra Sandby. In 2018 the local football club, Södra Sandby IF, managed to win Division 4 Skåne Östra and 2019 is the first time ever for the club playing at level 5 in Sweden. Kick-off this Saturday afternoon was at 15.00 and I left home as early as 12.30. A colleague of mine lives in Södra Sandby and I stopped by her house for a coffee and ice-cream before leaving for the ground. Her son had played a game at 9am this morning at one of the smaller pitches next to the ground so this was actually her second match of the day! We arrived shortly before kick-off and there was not exactly a rush to enter the ground. The official attendance was later given as 109 and as the match was about to start we observed a minute of silence for a long-serving away supporter. For this level Södra Sandby IP is quite a nice ground with a natural grass pitch and a covered seated stand in the south side of the ground.

Södra Sandby have had a decent start to the season but with 3 teams being relegated and fourth from bottom ending up in the play-offs it is important to pick up many points early on. The first half was an even affair but the only goal was scored by the home team, 1-0 at half-time. In the second half Malmö City had a few chances early on but their players seem to run out of energy and Södra Sandby could eventually score another goal to win 2-0. As I left Södra Sandby IP I said good bye to my colleague and I have now (once again) completed the most southern of the 12 Division 3-leagues in Sweden.


Welcome to Södra Sandby IP




Home team entering the field




South side


South Stand


View of play


South side


South Stand


Södra Sandby fans


East End


View of play


North side


North side


North side


West End


West End - Clubhouse

