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Ground: Veritas Stadion

Visits: 1

Date: 16th June 2011

Match: TPS - Inter Turku  2-1  (Veikkausliiga)

Attendance: 8 019


Last year I visited Finland for the first time in my life. Even if the football itself wasn't the best I still enjoyed my trip and decided to travel there again this summer. Wednesday was my last day at work before the summer holidays. When I discovered the biggest match in Finland, the Turku derby, was to be played on Thursday evening I quickly booked a flight from Copenhagen to Turku. I was actually a bit surprised there was a direct flight but I am not complaining. I arrived in Turku (Åbo in Swedish) by 1pm. These parts of Finland have quite a few people with Swedish as their native language and I knew I would be OK talking Swedish here.

I spent the afternoon walking around in the city centre before heading to the ground shortly before 5pm (6.30 kick-off). Veritas Stadion is the home of both Inter Turku and TPS (Turun PalloSeura) and has a capacity of around 9 000. The stadium was opened in 1952 but was rebuilt in 2003 when a new main stand was built. The main stand would do a lot of clubs proud and this was where I was seated as well. The south end of the ground is quite a steep open stand while the opposite end is open.

This was a TPS home match but both sets of fans turned out in big numbers. More than 8 000 in total at Veritas Stadion and attendances like this are very rare in Finland. TPS started the best and after 80 minutes they were 2-0 up. Top of the table Inter Turku played better in the second half though but could only pull one goal back. 2-1 to TPS was the final score. TPS' hard core fans, in the south stand, celebrated in style after their derby victory. A memorable evening for them and a nice start to my Finnish tour. Tomorrow I will see a Kakkonen (level 3) match in Turku. I doubt there will be 8 000 at that match though.



Turku waterfront


veritas stadion

Veritas Stadion


veritas stadion2

Veritas Stadion



Outside Veritas Stadion



TPS fan


north end

North End


east stand1

East Stand


south stand

South Stand


west stand

West Stand



Inter Turku fans





east stand2

East Stand



View of play



TPS fans


south stand2

South Stand


west stand2

West Stand


pano, veritas stadion



pano, veritas stadion5



pano, veritas stadion2
