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Aston Villa

Ground: Villa Park

Visits: 5


Date: 16th April 2006

Match: Aston Villa - Birmingham  3-1  (Premier League)

Attendance: 40 158


Date: 12th April 2009

Match: Aston Villa - Everton  3-3  (Premier League)

Attendance: 40 188


Date: 29th December 2009

Match: Aston Villa - Liverpool  0-1  (Premier League)

Attendance: 42 788


Date: 31st March 2013

Match: Aston Villa - Liverpool  1-2  (Premier League)

Attendance: 42 037

Date: 29th December 2016

Match: Aston Villa - Leeds  1-1  (League Championship)

Attendance: 37 078


Report (Aston Villa - Birmingham):

The matched I looked forward to the most was, of course, the Birmingham derby and since the match kicked-off at noon I had to take the first train possible from London Euston (8.36). There were Villa fans from USA and Iceland (!) next me on the train but none of them had been to Villa Park before! I arrived at Birmingham New street 10.45 and eventually found the train to Aston. Arrived about 35 minutes prior to kick-off and took some pictures of the (almost) empty stands. The match itself wasn´t the best in term of quality but the atmosphere, especially in the second half, was amazing. I have never experienced something like this ever and the Holte Enders can be very proud of their support to Villa. During the last 10-15 minutes everyone, even in the Doug Ellis Stand where I was, stood up and was singing/chanting towards the unfortunate Blues fans. When Birmingham equalised they looked the better side but the momentum all changed when young Cahill scored his wonder goal in the second half.

Report (Aston Villa - Leeds):

With the exception of last year I have been going to the UK around New Year every season since 2005/6. This time around I planned a trip with three games in 2016 and three in 2017. First up was Aston Villa v Leeds on Thursday evening. The game was booking history only but I still managed to get a ticket for what is without a doubt one of the biggest games this year in the Championship. My flight left Copenhagen at 08.30 and as I arrived in Birmingham the temperature was as low as -3 ºC. At home it was +5 ºC but with undersoil-heating at Villa Park there was no risk of a postponed game. My room was not yet ready and with the weather being cold but really nice with a crystal clear sky I decided to go to Villa Park for a few exterior pictures. Once at the ground I met up with German groundhopper Sven (from München) and we then had lunch together in the city centre. Sven had booked a stadium tour at Birmingham City in the afternoon but I was quite tired, my alarm had buzzed at 4am, and relaxed in my room instead.

Kick-off was at 19.45 and an hour or so before kick-off I was inside Villa Park. This was my fifth visit, a record in England, to the ground and having bought a ticket for the Holte End I have after tonight´s game seen a game from all four stands. In total 37 078, including 2 500 from Leeds, were inside Villa Park this evening. Former Malmö FF player Pontus Jansson scored a goal for Leeds in the 54th minute but for 80 minutes this was a poor game. The last 10-15 minutes were really entertaining though. Aston Villa equalized from the penalty spot in the 84th minute and it was then end to end stuff with several chances for both teams. The game ended 1-1 and after the game I met up with Sven and at 22.30 we could finally board a train taking us back to Birmingham New Street. Tomorrow we will both be at Rochdale vs Shrewsbury but before then I will have a good night's sleep!

Pictures from Villa Park


Rear of the Holte End


Rear of the Holte End

holte end, rear

Rear of the Holte End


aston villa fc

Aston Villa FC



 Villa Park


Aston Villa FC

villa park

Rear of the North Stand


villa village

Villa Village and Ticket office


doug ellis

Doug Ellis


holte end-131

Holte End


trinity road stand-132

Trinity Road Stand


north stand-131

North Stand


doug ellis stand

Doug Ellis Stand


pano, villa park6a-2013

Pano (view from Doug Ellis Stand)


 Pano (view from the Holte End)

panorama, villa park

Pano (view from Trinity Road Stand)


pano, villa park1

Pano (view from North Stand)


Pictures from Aston Villa vs Birmingham

going to villa park

Going to Villa Park

outside doug ellis stand

Outside Doug Ellis Stand


holte end celebrating

Holte End celebrating


3-1 villa

3-1 Villa 


my view2

My view


north stand2

North Stand



Pictures from Aston Villa vs Everton

north stand2

North Stand


everton fans

Everton fans





doug ellis stand2

Doug Ellis Stand


holte end2

Holte End



Pictures from Aston Villa vs Liverpool (Dec-09)




villa park, view

My view



View of play


pano, villa park3

Pano (vs Liverpool, 2009)



Pictures from Aston Villa vs Liverpool (Mar-13)

holte end-133

Holte End


View of play


trinity road stand-131

Trinity Road Stand






View of play


north stand-133

North Stand


pano, villa park1-2013

Pano (vs Liverpool, March 2013)

Pictures from Aston Villa vs Leeds


Players and officials entering the field


View of play


Trinity Road Stand


North Stand


Leeds fans


Doug Ellis Stand


Penalty, 1-1

