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Ground: Hjärsås Idrottsplats

Visits: 1

Date: 30th June 2021

Match: Hjärsås-Värestorp - IFK Simrishamn  0-6  (Division 4 Skåne Östra)

Attendance: 50

The last day of June offered several fixtures close to where I live and today´s choice was to be Hjärsås-Värestorp v IFK Simrishamn in Division 4 Skåne Östra. The club is a merger between Hjärsås IF and Värestorps IF. As I understand it the men´s team plays at Hjärsås IP and the women´s team play at Värestorps IP. Hjärsås IP is only 20 minutes by car for me and with the unusually late kick-off time (19.30) I set off later than usual for a midweek game. Hjärsås IP has a rural location but both Hjärsås and Värestorp are tiny villages with a shrinking (and ageing) population. The club has still managed to play in Division 4 for several years though. IFK Simrishamn were relegated from Division 3 and looking to bounce straight back up. Hjärås-Värestorp has lost the last the two games 0-6 and 1-7 but with a win in their opening game they are still above the relegation zone. I realized this game would have a poor in attendance and in total I counted to around 50, the majority of those had travelled from Simrishamn.

As soon as the game started the visitors went on the attack. Hjärsås-Värstorp has a decent goalkeeper but after 30 minutes it was 0-2. The hosts were then denied a penalty and with the last kick of the first half Simrishamn scored again, 0-3 at half-time. In the second half it was all IFK Simrishamn and when the Hjärsås-Värestorp goalkeeper was injured and had to leave the pitch it was really game over for the hosts. In the end it ended 6-0 to IFK Simrishamn and they will be one of the top teams in November when the season comes to an end. This evening June comes to an end as well and for me it was 12 games this month. Not bad but going to that many local games feels a little bit like cheating!




Bus shelter as dug-out




South side


South side


South side


South side


View of Hjärsås IP


West End


View of play


North side


North side


North side


View of play


Half-time refreshments!