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Ground: Hyllinge Idrottsplats

Visits: 1

Date: 12th June 2022

Match: Hyllinge - Besa  6-0  (Division 4 Nordvästra Skåne)

Attendance: 60

Last year Hyllinge played in division 5 and Besa in division 3. This year they are playing each other in Division 4 Nordvästra Skåne and their meeting at Hyllinge IP was to be my first match in this league in 2022. Hyllinge is just northwest of Helsingborg and is around 80 minutes by car for me. As I looked at possible fixtures for me to attend today I noticed a former pupil, now an anesthesiologist, was going to be referee in this game. As he and the other referees were about to start their warm-up I approached him and said “There will be an extra referee inspection today”. He was so surprised he didn't recognize me and actually thought there was to be an assessment today. Once he realized who I was he just laughed and we talked for a bit.

Hyllinge IP has a grass pitch and no running tracks but still feels a bit boring. There is a small stand in the north side but most fans were actually sitting on the south side where the club offered refreshments. Besa played in division 3 in 2021 but has apparently lost quite a few players. They are bottom of the table and against Hyllinge, third from bottom, they had no chance. It was 5-0 at half-time and as the final whistle was blown it was 6-0 to Hyllinge. Normally I leave for home straight away but today I stayed behind and talked for 10 minutes with the referee. Nice to meet him again and get some updates on some other former pupils!


Dug-out (home)


North Stand






North side


North side


North Stand


View of play


West End


South side


South side


East End


View of Hyllinge IP