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Ground: Sixfields Stadium

Visits: 1

Date: 22nd April 2011

Match: Northampton - Rotherham  2-2  (League 2)

Attendance: 5 167


Despite our bus breaking down between the ground and the train station in Milton Keynes we managed to arrive in Northampton 90 minutes or so before kick-off. Sixfields Stadium is a 25-30 minute walk from the train station but with glorious weather we didn´t mind walking. A couple of Norwegians joined as as well. The possibility of a double-header attracts foreigners in numbers not to to be underestimated. Once at the ground I picked up our tickets and we then walked up the hill behind the North Stand to take some overview pictures. In my opinion every ground should have a large hill behind one of the stands. It is perfect for overview pictures!


Our seats were in the first row of the upper tier of the West Stand. Most of the supporters around us were elderly season ticket holders (but that didn´t stop them from being vocal). The West Stand is by far the biggest stand and must have almost the same number of seats as the other stands combined. In total Sixfields Stadium has an all-seated capacity of 7 700 and it was opened in 1994, replacing the old County Ground. Rotherham, backed by 462 fans, were by far the better team when the match got underway. They took an early lead and were 2-0 up by half-time. The home fans weren´t too pleased with what they had witnessed though. When Northampton pulled a goal back in the 67th minute the atmosphere was much better. People were by now rallying behind the home players and in stoppage time they got their reward. 2-2 and great scenes in the home sections. The Rotherham fans couldn´t believe it, they had already "won" this match. With Northampton being only three points above the relegation zone this was a massive point for them. Rotherham on the other hand can probably forget about the play-offs now, too few games left for them to pass the other hopefuls.


After an impressive walk we just about made the 22.05 train back to London Euston. One match left for me but with 18 goals in 4 matches I had every reason to be optimistic for this to be the highest scoring trip ever.


sixfields stadium

Sixfields Stadium


fans outside the ground

Fans outside the ground


fans outside the ground2

Fans outside the ground


north stand

North Stand


east stand

East Stand


south stand

South Stand


north stand2

North Stand



My view





east stand2

East Stand



View of play


south stand3

Away fans


pano, sixfields stadium2
