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Ground: Lilla Holje Idrottsplats

Visits: 1

Date: 15th August 2020

Match: Olofström - Sölvesborg United  6-2  (Division 6 Blekinge)

Attendance: 40

Saturday 15 August was to be yet another hot day in southern Sweden but I was still keen on going to a football match. It seems many matches had been moved to mid-week and there were fewer options than I thought. When I looked at fixtures in Blekinge, the neighboring county to Skåne, I noticed Olofströms IF hosted Sölvesborg United in Division 6 Blekinge. Knowing Lilla Holje IP is a nice ground I decided to go to this game. From Kristianstad it takes around 40 minutes by car to reach Olofström and at 12.15 I was outside the ground. Kick-off was at 13.00 and the club had posted on social media the gates will open 30 minutes prior to kick-off and the first 50 to show up will be allowed to enter. Once the gates opened I entered as number 3 and this is indeed a very nice ground. Unusually for this level there is a proper main stand and on the far side there are a few steps of concrete to stand on as well. The record attendance is 2,500 and it is a bit sad Olofström is in the bottom tier. Lilla Holje would be one of the best grounds in most Division 2-leagues in Sweden.

As the game got underway I realized we would not even be (the allowed) 50 spectators at this match. Olofström have started the season with three victories and are currently top of the table and it is a shame they can´t even attract 50 fans to their home games. Sölvesborg United took the lead early on but at half-time Olofström were leading 3-2. In the second half you could clearly see the heat taking its toll on the players but Olofström were still the better team and scored three more goals to win 6-2. Two consecutive matches with eight goals for me and even though the quality on the local leagues can be a bit poor at least I am guaranteed plenty of goals. I had a great day out at Lilla Holje and hopefully Olofström will be promoted at the end of the season. This is a ground that deserves much more than Division 6 football.


Welcome to Lilla Holje




East Stand


East Stand


West Stand


West Stand


Players entering




East Stand


East Stand


East Stand


View of play


South End


Fans and dogs


View of Lilla Holje IP


North End


View of play

