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Ground: Sidensjö Idrottsplats

Visits: 1

Date: 7th June 2024

Match: Sidensjö - Höga Kusten  2-1  (Division 4 Ångermanland)

Attendance: 81

With Friska Viljor from Örnsköldsvik being promoted to Division 1 Norra I had to visit Skyttis IP to re-complete the top three divisions in Sweden. Örnsköldsvik is around 1,100 km (680 miles) from where I live and it is a trip that needs some planning. Going through my options I finally decided to go there around the National Day weekend and I booked a return flight to Umeå. At 7am on Friday morning I left my home and, via Malmö Airport and Stockholm/Bromma, I arrived at Umeå Airport 8 hours later. The airport is quite close to the city centre and 30 minutes after landing I was at my hotel. I was only at the hotel for 15-20 minutes before being picked up by my groundhopping colleague Jocke who lives in Umeå. We then set off towards Örnsköldsvik where we had something to eat and drink and 11.5 hours after leaving my home I finally arrived at Sidensjö IP in Sidensjö!

Sidensjö v Höga Kusten was a match in Division 4 Ångermanland. Having never been to the landskap (county) of Ångermanland prior to today it was obviously my first ground visit in this league. As the match was about to start the clouds disappeared and it was to be a lovely evening at Sidensjö IP. There is a small covered wooden stand on the south side of the ground and on the other side there were plenty of benches to sit on. It was also nice to see Sidensjö IP has a grass pitch, this far north that is a nice bonus. Despite being next to a lake the mosquitos were not attacking me too often and those of us present could watch on as Sidensjö won 4-0.

On the way back to Umeå we made a short stop in Hörnefors to look at the Gunnar Nordahl statue. Gunnar Nordahl, Il Cannoniere, scored 221 goals in Serie A and won the league 5 times with AC Milan. Along with his 4 brothers, his football career started in Hörnefors.


Welcome to Sidensjö IK


West End

South-Stand.JPGSouth Stand


East End


North side


Players and officials entering




View of Sidensjö IP


South Stand


South Stand


View of play


North side


North side


View of play


After the match


Statue of Gunnar Nordahl