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Ground: Nösnäsvallen

Visits: 1

Date: 2nd July 2016

Match: Stenungsund - Rynninge  0-3  (Division 2 Norra Götaland)

Attendance: 105


The game at Jonsereds IP finished at 14.53 and 40 minutes later I was outside Nösnäsvallen in Stenungsund. I knew the Swedish national team had used Stenungsund and Nösnäsvallen as part of the preparations for the 1990 World Cup as well as the 2008 European Championships but apart from that I had no idea about the ground. To be honest Nösnäsvallen is a really poor ground for watching football. The only stand is on the west side of the ground and with the runnings tracks you are far away from the pitch. The only positive thing is the stand is covered but with the weather getting better by the minute there was actually no need for a roof today. The official attendance for this game was given as 105 and those of present had to watch a poor first half, 0-0 after 45 minutes. In the second half Rynninge managed to score in the 53rd minute after what looked like a mis-understanding in the Stenungsund defense. After this goal the games was slightly more entertaining and in the end Rynninge scored two more goals to win 3-0. For a team fighting to stay up this was three very important points. After the game I said goodbye to Christian and Magnus and drove to my hotel in Kungälv where I watched Germany play Italy in Bordeaux. Tomorrow I go back home but on the way back I will make a detour to Dalstorp where I will watch Dalstorp host Höganäs in Division 2 Västra Götaland.



Welcome to Nösnäsvallen


rynninge on tour

Rynninge on tour


nösnäsvallen, entrance

Nösnäsvallen, entrance


north end

North End


east side

East side


south end

South End


west stand

West Stand


players entering

Players and officials entering the field





nösnäsvallen, vy

View of Nösnäsvallen



View of play



View of play



View of play


west stand1

West Stand


west stand2

West Stand


west stand3

West Stand



After the match - Rynninge doing the volcano



After the match - Rynninge doing the volcano


pano, nösnäsvallen1



pano, nösnäsvallen2
