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Tårnby FF

Ground: Vestamagaer Idrætsanlæg

Visits: 1

Date: 15th September 2023

Match: Tårnby FF - Brønshøj  0-0  (Danmarksserien, pulje 1)

Attendance: 250

Going to the semifinals of the European table tennis Championships on Saturday (and being busy on Sunday) I looked at fixtures on Friday evening. Danmarksserien is the fifth tier of the Danish league pyramid and in group 1 (of 4) Tårnby FF were hosting Brønshøj at 17.30. Knowing Brønshøj always brings a decent away support I decided to go to Denmark for this game. Tårnby is next to Copenhagen airport meaning I avoided most of the rush hour traffic in Copenhagen. It took me around 90 minutes, less traffic than expected, and 50 minutes prior to kick-off I parked my car outside Vestamager Idrætsanlæg. There are several facilities for sports and the main pitch for football is called Vestamager Arena (Blochs Biler Arena). There is a small seated stand (100 seats?) and a few benches to sit on but most fans tonight preferred to stand next to the pitch. The pitch is surrounded by a grass wall and line of trees. I had no idea what the ground would look like but really liked this cosy ground.

No official attendance has been announced but I estimate 200 away fans and maybe 50 home fans. It was a perfect evening for football and I am sure Tårnby FF made a small fortune tonight selling beer and pølser. On the pitch there was not much to be excited about, at least in the first half. The second half was more entertaining and in the 89th minute both teams hit the bar. No goals were scored though and my run of 69 consecutive games with a goal came to an end. Apart from ending my run I enjoyed my visit to Vestamager Idrætsanlæg and the ground is well worth a visit.


Vestamagaer Idrætsanlæg




North Stand


North Stand




South End​


West End​


Tårnby fans


View of play


View of play


North side


North side


North side


East End


Close to the airport!


Half-time refreshments