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Ground: Hamravallen

Visits: 1

Date: 22nd May 2022

Match: Tölö - Höganäs  3-3  (Division 2 Västra Götaland)

Attendance: 120

Tölö IF and Landvetter were promoted to Division 2 at the end of the last season meaning I was missing two grounds in Division 2 Västra Götaland, one of six leagues at level four in Sweden. Tölö IF play at Hamravallen which is situated next to the E6 motorway exit Kungsbacka N. On my way to Gothenburg I passed the ground many times but until today I have never watched football at Hamravallen. As I started from Kristianstad it was cloudy and on my way I had rain as well but upon arrival in Kungsbacka the sun was out. It takes 2h 35 min to drive from Kristianstad but since I stopped for lunch in Laholm it today took me just over 3 hours. Once at Hamravallen I noticed there was an U19 game at the main pitch but I skipped that one and had coffee and ice-cream at the club café instead. I really enjoyed sitting in the sun with my coffee and was looking forward to an enjoyable afternoon at Hamravallen.

Tölö have had a decent start to the season, 8 points in 7 matches, but for today´s visitors from Höganäs it has been very tough. With 7 defeats in as many matches Höganäs are rock bottom of Division 2 Västra Götaland and I was expecting an easy ride for Tölö this afternoon. That was not to be the case though, Höganäs made it 0-1 in the 19th minute and at half-time it was 2-2. In the 2nd half Tölö made it 3-2 but a few minutes before the end an own goal meant the game ended 3-3. The attendance at Hamravallen was 120 but this was a really entertaining game that deserved a much bigger attendance. Despite being so close to the motorway, Hamravallen was a nice ground to visit and I enjoyed my visit.

My visit to Landvetter will most likely be in August/September but there is of course plenty of groundhopping to do before then. At 20.30 I was back home and yet another weekend was coming to an end.


Welcome to Hamravallen!


Welcome to Hamravallen


West side


West side


South End


East side


East Stand


Players entering




View of play


North End


East side


East side


East side


View of Hamravallen


View of play