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Ground: Edsborgs Idrottsplats

Visits: 1

Date: 3rd May 2009

Match: Trollhättan - Landskrona  1-1  (Superettan)

Attendance: 1 417


FC Trollhättan was founded in October 2001 as a merger between Trollhättans IF and Trollhättans FK. 2009 is their first ever season in Superettan and the home matches are being played at Edsborgs IP. Edsborg is a typical ground for a lot of smaller towns in Sweden, with combined use for football and athletics. With the Main Stand being elevated the view from that stand was not bad at all though and there are certainly many poorer grounds in Sweden than Edsborg.

After more than 4 hours of driving I arrived at Edsborg with an hour to spare and as I was taking some pictures a steward approached me and said "Press is this way". I was very tempted to follow him to the luxuries of the Media room. Since I am an honest person though,  I replied I was not from the press. "You look like someone from the press" was his laughing answer. Anyway, after a while I was in my seat looking through the pictures I had been taking when another man approached me and we had a chat about the match. I noticed his "Free Passage" card and asked if he was the Match delegate. "No, I am Head of referees in Sweden" was his reply. I had a closer look at him and said "Of course, Bosse Karlsson!" When I said I was a bit disappointed with myself for not recognizing him straight away he just smiled. Who said groundhopping is boring ?

When the match started Landskrona had most of the possession but couldn´t score, in the second half they had even more possession and after a while there was a goal, for Trollhättan! A goalkeeping blunder gave the home fans something to cheer about but with 8 minutes to go Landskrona equalised from the penalty spot and the match ended 1-1.





north end

North End


east stand

East Stand


south end

South End


west stand

West Stand





fct flagga

Big flag!


landskrona fans

Landskrona fans



View of play


west stand2

West Stand


panorama, edsborg
