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Ground: Valhalla

Visits: 2 (1 for Qviding match)

Date: 20th September 2009

Match: Qviding - Sirius  0-0  (Superettan)

Attendance: 231


Qviding are a small club from Härlanda in eastern Göteborg and have, until the 2007 season, played their home matches at Torpavallen. Torpavallen is however next to the motorway (literallly!) and the club are not allowed to play there anymore. Until their new ground is ready Qviding will be playing at Valhalla, which of course was the home of Örgryte while Gamla Ullevi was rebuilt. Qviding hope to return to Härlanda for the start of the 2012 season, the club is currently finalising plans for their new ground which will be called Härlanda Park.

More pictures from Valhalla can be found at Valhalla


valhalla ip

Valhalla IP


south stand

South Stand


main stand

Main Stand


north stand

North Stand


east stand

East Stand


east stand2

East Stand



Kick-off (Qviding-Sirius)


west stand

West Stand



View of play (Qviding-Sirius)


pano, valhalla
